Friday, April 11, 2008

أولى برامج خدمة "برامج مجنانى" ..... أنظمة التشغيل


Freespire is a community-driven Linux distribution which is composed entirely of free/open source software, while providing users the choice of including proprietary software including multimedia codecs, device drivers and application software as they see fit.
Freespire is originally derived from Linspire, a commercial operating system based on Ubuntu, and now forms the base from which new releases of Linspire are derived.

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YouOS is an experimental web desktop produced by WebShaka, that replicates the desktop environment of a modern operating system on a webpage, using JavaScript to communicate with the remote server. This allows users to save the current desktop state to return to later, much like the hibernation feature in many true operating systems, and for multiple users to collaborate using a single environment. YouOS features built-in sharing of music, documents and other files. The software is currently in alpha stage, and is referred to as a "web operating system" by WebShaka

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